MedEDPORTAL Featured Publication: Dr. Louise Aronson

Louise Aronson, MD 

UCSF LEaP (Learning from your Experiences as a Professional): Guidelines for Critical Reflection

These literature-derived guidelines provide a stand-alone tool instructors can use to help learners effectively reflect on their learning, experiences and professional development. The three page guidelines include instructions on effective use (page 1), a step by step guide through the reflective process (page 2), and answers to a set of frequently asked questions (page 3). They were developed for use with written reflections, but with the exception of one of the FAQs on page 3, can be applied to reflection in any form, including oral or video. More

2 Career Opportunities in the Office of Undergraduate Medical Education

1. UME Advisor/Specialist
Reporting to UME’s Medical Student Services Manager, this full-time position will contribute advising and operational management skills critical to the success of the MD curriculum. The UME Advisor/Specialist, an essential member of the UME team, provides advising to medical students and also supervises complex curricular operations such as the clinical core and fourth year lotteries, the clinical core operations committee, course and clerkship coordination, and new course approval systems. The incumbent ensures students’ academic progress and that their individualized learning plans meet the MD program requirements. The Advisor/Specialist holds quarterly meetings with departmental course and/or clerkship coordinators to ensure that all coordinators are kept up-to-date with curriculum changes and to bring important issues coordinators raise back to UME and its committee structures; and performs other duties as assigned. Position details on UCSF HR website: Req No. 37332BR

2. UME Advising Coordinator
Reporting to UME’s Medical Student Services Manager, this full-time position will coordinate the UME advising practice and advising resources that support students throughout the medical curriculum. The UME Advising Coordinator, an essential member of the UME team, coordinates the UME advising practice and campus resources to support all students in achieving competency and improving health and healthcare locally, across the US, and abroad. Mechanisms include maintaining UME iROCKET (online curriculum) sites for each class of students, running the clinical schedule change request system, and coordinating workshops and information sessions. The incumbent ensures accuracy of students’ study lists and transcripts as students enter and exit the MD curriculum; and performs other duties as assigned. Position details on UCSF HR website: Req No. 37331BR